Schottis från Idre (2)
This is another Schottis från Idre without a generally known name. In a Swedish jam session you can suggest Schottis från Idre, and you have an almost 50% chance of getting this tune.
Folkdance historians came upon a variant of the schottis in the village of Idre, in Dalarna. When they published the description of the dance variant and began teaching it, they suggested this tune or another (#97 in our list). There are others from Idre, as well, but not as well known.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of a Stockholm folkdance group performing the Idre variant of schottis, using this music. They are dancing in the open-air museum in Stockholm called Skansen. It is a huge park filled with old buildings collected from all over Sweden, and it features traditional musical entertainment and demonstrations of old arts and crafts.
The picture on the left is of a friend who used to demonstrate how to make linen from flax at Skansen. Here he is removing the rough straw from the flax, exposing the soft smooth linen fibers inside.